Rexburg and Idaho Falls Auto Repair

Hour of service: Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Job Description Journeyman Technician

Purpose of Position

The purpose of the Journeyman Technician is to have a highly trained and knowledgeable employee able to diagnose, inspect, repair, service and/or overhaul vehicle problems and maintenance.


All Journeyman Technicians must be able to clearly demonstrate their physical and mental ability to perform services as well as detailed minor repairs. They must conduct every aspect of their job in an ethical manner. They must have the ability to explain the work needed to the service advisor/manager and to work well under pressure.

All Journeyman Technicians must meet or exceed the standards set by the industry-recognized trade organizations. Journeyman Technicians must be ASE Certified within two years of being hired and must complete master certification within four years of being hired.

Journeyman Technicians are required to have all of the necessary hand tools needed to efficiently perform their duties. They must also have the ability and willingness to attend training classes. All Technicians must be able to work a minimum and produce a minimum of 40 hours per week on a regular basis.

Areas of Responsibility

The technician’s responsibilities include but are not limited to a dedication: to the company’s mission statement, to company profitability and to 100% customer satisfaction. Also, responsible for following the company policies and procedures as outlined here, in the employee manual and in task-specific procedures.

Must work well with others as a team toward a common goal. He/she will have all work checked by a service advisor/manager before being turned in as completed.

Must commit to continuously educate themselves through industry-recognized classes, seminars, and tests in order to keep up with changes in the industry and new vehicles.

Minimum Standard of Performance


Prior to performance of any diagnostic procedures, it is required that the technician has a clear understanding of the customer complaint, and that the necessary permission to perform the work has been granted. Before recommending and teardowns, disassembly or internal inspection, the technician must assure that the customer complaint cannot be resolved by an external service, adjusted repair.


All diagnostic procedures, findings, recommendations and services performed will be properly noted and documented in compliance with the procedures outlined by management.

Mechanical Services

All adjustments, repairs, and services will be performed in a manner as outlined in a recognized, professional publication. At no time will a minor (lesser) service be recommended when a more serious condition exists, or when the performance of a minor service many actually worsen a pre-existing condition, or cause a mechanical failure.

Replace Components

When specific on technician’s worksheet, all replaced components will be saved for return to the customer. When not specified, replaced components will be saved until the day after a vehicle is delivered (or picked-up).

Final Test Drive

All vehicles are to be inspected and test-driven for the purpose of assuring that the customer complaint has been alleviated. All vehicles are to be rechecked to assure the service was done in a professional manner and the vehicle has been cleaned and readied for customer delivery.

Specific Duties

  • Keep shop equipment clean and in good working condition.
  • Assist other technicians as needed.
  • Courtesy check.
  • Communicate with customers about specific problems/diagnosis, with help from service advisor/manager.
  • Clean tools and toolbox.
  • Attend shop meetings as required.
  • Assist with advertising efforts as required.
  • Thoroughly clean own service bay
  • Review goals with supervisor/owner as set forth in the performance review.
  • Attend semi-annual shop meeting as required.
  • Review performance with supervisor/owner.

If you have any questions about this job description, contact the owner. You must notify the owner if at any time you cannot perform the job, or any portion of the job as described above. This job description is not a contract for employment and pertains to all At Will associates only.

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