Rexburg and Idaho Falls Auto Repair

Hour of service: Mon-Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Monthly Archives: June 2021

Do’s & Dont’s: Road Tripping with Pets

Do’s & Dont’s: Road Tripping with Pets

  We are big pet lovers at Oswald Service, Inc., which is why we want to share this list of Do’s and Don’t when traveling with your furry friends.    Do: Secure them properly in your vehicle. While it is best to get the most enjoyment out of your road trip, consider their danger if left unrestrained. Your animal could lean too far out the car window or perhaps even jump out! Oh-no! Sudden stops can also send your furry friend flying. There are multiple options to keep your pet(s) secure, such as bringing a kennel or doggie car seat. There are also special harnesses made that attach to your vehicle’s seat belt.    Don’t: Assume you are prepared. Undoubtedly, there are some things you will forget to pack for your pup. It always helps to make a list of items to pack in advance. Did you bring enough food? Water? Consider bringing toys to keep your pet entertained. Lastly, set aside some money for prec ... read more