Posted on 11/29/2024

Winter mornings can be tough, not just for us but for our cars, too. If you’ve ever turned the key or pressed the start button only to hear a reluctant groan from your vehicle, you’re not alone. Cold weather puts a unique strain on your car’s systems, and understanding why this happens can help you prevent frustrating delays. We'll explain the reasons your car struggles to start when the temperature drops and what you can do about it. Cold Weather and Your Car Battery Your car’s battery takes the hardest hit in the winter. Batteries rely on chemical reactions to produce the energy needed to start your engine. When temperatures plummet, these reactions slow down, reducing the battery’s power output. At the same time, the cold oil in your engine thickens, making it harder for the motor to turn over. Combine the two, and you’ve got a recipe for a sluggish start. If your battery is already nearing the end of its lifespan (typicall ... read more