Cold temperatures and other wintry elements can take their toll on a vehicle, however, there are a number of precautions you can take to not only protect your vehicle, but to help it perform smoothy during the coldest season.
Some mechanics will argue that tires are the most important vehicle accessory to prepare for winter, since they will be making direct contact with the cold ground and any snow, slush, or ice covered roads.
The less wear to the tread grooves, the better the tire will perform throughout a winter of iffy road surfaces. Legally, many states consider 2/32" the minimum tread depth, however, auto experts recommend a depth of at least 4/32" for winter travel. If you live in an area that sees heavy snowstorms, consider purchasing snow tires.
Even if the tread depth is sufficient, think about the age of your tires. If you have purchased them within the last 5-6 years, you are most likely good to go, but if they are over 6 years old, have an expert take a look and check the integrity of the rubber.
Keep regular tabs on tire pressure by keeping a pressure gauge in the vehicle. For bonus points, invest in a portable air compressor you can plug into one of your vehicle's 12-volt battery outlets.
Windshield Wipers
All the winterizing in the world won't mean anything if the driver has trouble seeing clearly. If you haven't replaced your car's windshield wipers in more than 6 months, ditch them for a new pair.
Battery Power, Belts, and Things
If you are not too confident in your own auto knowledge, get a trusted mechanic to check your vehicle's thermostat, filters, fluid levels, battery, belts and hoses to make sure everything is accurate, secure, and working properly.
Need some help getting your vehicle ready for the long cold season ahead? Bring your car, truck, or SUV to Oswald Service Inc for expert winterization tips and advice.